Mobile apps have become an invincible part of our lives. Starting from the morning alarm to the night-time meditation app, there is an app for everything, and every business is focused on launching their apps for multiple reasons. It helps in raising brand awareness and increasing customer interaction.

If you are a business that is interested in launching an app: what are the steps that you should follow to develop an app that is both useful and cost-effective?

Follow the step-by-step guide to make your own app:

 1. Choose a name for your app

The name of your app is the first thing the customer is going to notice. If you already have a running business, then stick with that name, otherwise, follow these simple steps:

  1. The name should tell what the app is about.

  2.  It should be unique and easy to pronounce and remember.

  3. No technical jargon and don’t use words that can hurt anybody’s religious sentiments

Choosing a name is a tough process, but don’t forget that the value you offer through your app is the most important thing.

2. Select the color scheme

After you’ve chosen the name, the next step is to select the colors that resonate with your brand and its values. We first consume with our eyes, so choosing the right colors and looking for the app becomes important. Keep in mind:

  1. Your target market

  2. Brand value

  3. The emotion you want to convey

Colors like blue stand for stability and trust, red for passion and excitement, and yellow for youth and joy.

3. Design your app

After deciding on the colors, it’s time to conceptualize the design features and layout of your app. Make an app that looks amazing! Customize the app and make it unique to your brand. You need to make decisions on:

  1. The way your app is organized

  2. Icon and background

  3. Fonts and sizes

Once you are done with these details, a basic skeleton of your app is ready in front of you. Now, let’s move ahead to breathe life into your app.


4. Your app needs to be a solution to a problem

To make your app the next big thing, it must be relevant to the problems of your target audience. Your app needs to be their go-to solution. Things to keep in mind:

  1. Write down all possible problems.

  2. Pen down solutions to them.

  3. Solve at least the most major problems.

Deeply think about what your customer truly needs, and as long as you can fulfill that need, your app will be successful.

5. Add the features you need

You need to load your app with features that make it hyper-relevant to your target audience. The only difference between an app and a good app is the user experience. You need to be at the top of your game.

The key is to provide the best possible features in the most appropriate manner. Even if you make the best-looking app with the best possible layouts, if your app doesn’t have accurate features, there’s no point.

6. Create a prototype

If you are not feeling ready to invest a lot of money and want to test the waters to see how the app is going to look, create a prototype of your app. This is how it helps:

  1. Helps you get insights into the brains of your clients.

  2. You might attract potential investors.

  3. Feedback is going to make your app better.

This is bait testing before we move on to actual testing of the app.

7. Test your app

No user wants to use an app that keeps crashing, to avoid such glitches, you need to run a number of tests.

  1. Functional test: to check the usability of the app.

  2. Compatibility test: to check the hardware and software compatibility.

  3. Security test: to detect any security issues.

The final test is the beta test, which is participatory testing and involves the actual users of the application.

8. Observe the flow

This is where you respond to the feedback on the tests. Here’s your checklist for it:

  1. Which features are the most trending?

  2. Which age group is interacting the most?

Once you are done with the final edits according to these, you are ready for the big thing- publishing the app.

9. Publish your app

The most anticipated time is here. You are ready to publish your app on different platforms like the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Your user can easily go there and download your app.

10. Start promoting your app

Now that you have an amazing app, you need to market it well. Marketing is going to take your app to every mobile device you want to reach. More marketing means more visibility. More visibility will translate to a higher number of downloads.

Wrapping Up:

This was your answer to "how to build an app in 10 easy steps." Having an app for your business will increase customer interaction a lot. Efficient and user-friendly apps are an asset that every business needs today. Appdid is a trusted app development partner that can help businesses with every step of the process, from concept to launch. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business create a successful mobile app.

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